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  Wakka aka "The Dream Reaper"

Hi, my name is Wakka,(it's so great that Square Enix used my name) most of you might know me from Greenford High School or most of you don't know, so that is the reason for my introductory.

I study Science GNVQ in Physics, Chemistry and Biology which lasts for a year, after a year I hope to do VCE or go to CG school which teaches about 3d programmes and how to use them. Im not entirly sure wether I will have any success in getting in but I hope my work is enough to please them every bit.

I live in Ealing (I do not want to give away my exact location due to privacy reason) and love my day-to-day life around here. It's a great place to be since you see a great variety of people around here.
We have great variety of shops here, and is very easy to get around for me since its my turf.

Getting away from all of that I will now talk about my hobbies and why I made this site.

If you know me you then know what my hobbies are, and its quite obviouse. I love playing games, games and more games, technically the more games I play the more I wanna play games (you probably wont get that, because neither do I) my interest lies mostly in RPG (role playiong game) genre of games which is basically a sort of 40 to 100 hours of Holywood film depending on what game you pick and how you play it.
The most popular of the RPG franchise is ofcourse the great Final Fantasy series from Square Enix  and Dragon Quest also from Square Enix, previously there were separate games developing companies SquareSoft and Enix which are now merged to make one "GODLY RPG MAKING MACHINE".\
Apart from playing games my other hobby lies in Digital and 3D art which ofcourse I have on my website for you to see.
I take a lot of time and great pride for each pictures that I priduce in my computer, and I would not like it to copied or used anywhere in any way, unless ofcourse if you ask my permission, and if you can't be bothered with it plz just give me credit for it. I'm 16 years old and moving on to 17 and hopefully by then I will be a full fledged Digital Designer, until then I will usesome great work from great Digital Artist as a refrence and make some of my own work from my own ideas.

This website was put for one reason alone, to showcase my artwork, and when you look at it you will think "that's not artwork that's 3d picture somehow painted", well to tell you the truth its called digital art. (If you didn't know that then you must be some dumb dude, dude)
I've been fascinated about digital art and web designing ever since I went to which showcased some of the greatest 3d art I'v ever seen, I was immediately hooked and tried to pursuit my hobby through up and downs of choices of wether to do 3d or 2d digital art.
I couldn't decide what to choose so I picked up a package of Poser 4 and Photoshop 7both softwares were great in their aspect, poser gave me the figures to manipulate and pose and photoshop gave me the ability to paint things on the figure, and really thought it was great, that was until I went to earthcurves which illustrated work done in three programmes rather than two, two were same as the ones I chose and the other was Bryce which allowed the user to create stunning 3d landscapes.
I desperately looked for a copy of bryce 5 on the net and luckily found a second hand one on ebay and immediately purchased it. 
I quckily learned how to use the programme and got hooed on it ever since, I have also made great artworks which you can see in the art work section and send me comments on my E-MAIL about my work and any suggestion for site layout.

 The Noon Experience




 Copyrighted Material® banner© artwork belonging© to Waqas
Ask before and give credit to my work